There are many ideas and traditions to be found in Taithan culture that are at the same time purely Taithan yet have eerie strains of familiarity with those of some human cultures. The following is a short list of some things I found most important. A thorough analysis of the differences and similarities of the various Taithan cultural branches compared to all of the cultures on Earth will take a great amount of time and effort. This is a veritable treasure trove for anthropologists. – Dr. D. Arguile, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology

Taithan Word Meanings


Amdifnyad (Am-diff-nee-ad)      Called the Sacred Rule of Amdifnyad, or the Right of Freedom. It is perhaps the most important (possibly only) absolute rule in the Taithan culture. It starts out with the right of every man, woman and child to live in essential freedom, and therefore to have the right to protect that freedom, with force if necessary, for themselves, their loved ones and those they feel responsible for from any hostile action or attack, from any outside force, animal or person, by any means necessary.

Beyond this It means also the freedom of every man or woman, even children, to leave a situation or relationship if they feel the need. A whole book could be written on the subject, but to be brief it is not escaping difficult situations or hard work or unpleasant chores, but if an ongoing living situation is unhealthy, or coercive. It must be said that this writer never witnessed this happen, but the ingrained knowledge of this reality affects the lives of all who live under it.

In the same vein, there is really no authoritative compunction to make anyone do anything. All work get’s done, however, in the end, because people are aware of the lack of coercion, people are innately kind and considerate, and what could poetically be called a “nobility of spirit” brings out the best in the members of this population. A general spirit of giving, of time and work and material belongings, is in existence, and so this society never has to demand and take. Essentially every Taithan is their own sovereign unto themelves. One could write a book about this very thing. I think I will when I get home.



Arwinid (Ar-win-id)     Leader, specifically of a village. Usually a man, this person is selected by the people to be their spokesman, deal with those outside of the village, and do whatever is necessary for the general welfare of the village and its inhabitants. In this position those in exceptional need or disability, are taken care of. An Arwinid’s house is bigger so that excess capacity can be stored there. However this does not “belong” to the Arwinid, but is more or less just kept until there is a need. The position is not inherited and can be taken away at any time by the village people. The sigil of the Arwinid is an arrow pointed up, tattooed on the left upper arm.


Aywid (Ay-wid)     No exact translation in the common tongue. The closest word comparison to Earth would be Lord. This person is selected from amongst the Arwinid’s. The primary responsibility is to deal with those who purchase the mineral Silver Ambergree from the colony on Berilia, a point man, so to speak. He also helps facilitate the answering of any problems that an Arwinid cannot solve. The Aywid is different than what would be considered Lord in historical terms on Earth. A Lord owned the land and partially the people of the land and could often do as they pleased. The Aywid serves the people and serves at their pleasure. It is considered a duty and has a great deal of work involved. The sigil of the Aywid is the Arwinid’s arrow with a circle drawn around it, tattooed on the left upper arm.


Berylon (Be-ri-lon)    At its simplest this word means peril. But there is more infused into it. When this word is uttered, usually in a loud cry, it is signaling physical danger at its greatest. Children are gathered into a central location, the best defensive location available, any nearby women surround them, daggers drawn and at the ready. Men, armed with swords drawn, make a defensive perimeter that group. It is an idea manifested into the real world. That children are the greatest treasure of all and are to be protected before all else, at any cost.


 Awenidon (Shadow Oracle)   This is a man or woman who is has several roles in Taithan society. The closest equivalent would be a shaman on Earth. This person, who can be a man or a woman, remembers the myths and stories, songs and poems of their culture. Another equivalency from Earth would be Bard. Precocious individuals are picked out as children and, if willing, will be trained, memories becoming incredible. They will in help people interpret their own dreams that come for help, for here only the person who dreamed the dream can truly know what a dream meant. The most important function is to facilitate healing in individuals and communities through entering altered states of consciousness in order to interact with spiritual energies in realities other than this one. They seek a relationship with the spirit in all things, to help create changes that will manifest in the real world.

Shalaya  Computer

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